Nevada Peer Support Network

    Providing resources and support to our Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS, First Responders,
    Veterans, Hospital Professionals, Military Personnel and their families . . .


    The why a profession, we are overrepresented for suicide and other mental health conditions.

    The reality is that we can do better to protect our people from adverse effects of the career. It is possible to thrive, not just survive in EMS.

                                              — Kate Elkins, MPH, an EMS specialist with the NHTSA Office of EMS and a longtime paramedic

    Event Calendar


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    "...first responder to the last responder, from pre to post incident," our affiliates network is dedicated to the continuing mental health, wellness, and support for all of our members.

    With over 20 agencies, spanning in excess of 1000 staff, covering more than 110,567 Sq miles, we stand strong and united to endure the challenges facing our professions.


    It is through community, partnerships and alliances, our mission is for no public safety or military serve member go without support or guidance in difficult times. The boots-on-the-ground are empowered through affiliation and relationships determining what resources will serve them and their families. We believe those that preserve our freedoms and keep us safe at home and abroad are our community’s greatest assets. Nevada Peer Support Network serve those that serve, by serving each other without direct ties to the employer.

    "We are committed to working together to provide resources and support to our Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS, Military, and Hospital Professionals, Veterans, First Responders and/or Military Personnel so they may live the very best lives possible on, and off duty.”

    Within Unity We Find Strength.

    Derek Reid
    Founder / President NPSN
    Battalion Chief Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue

    Please feel free to contact us @ . . . (775)464-1797
    or eMail general inquiries to: